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You are His crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You are favored and blessed beyond your imagination.

file icon Totally About Jesushot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 3848

Many believers in Christ are dealing with spiritual plunder. How forgiven are you?

file icon True Grace Part 1hot!Tooltip 11/03/2011 Hits: 3842

The Gospel is the message of His superabounding Grace.  This is the way I like to simply put it: Radical Grace is genuine Gospel - the True Grace!

file icon True Grace Part 2hot!Tooltip 12/05/2011 Hits: 3482

Does True Grace produce a sinful lifestyle? Of course not! Jesus said, whoever has been forgiven much will love much! More Grace will get people out of sin and into a life of wholeness.

file icon The Grace Encounterhot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 3329

Are you ready to encounter the encounter that will change your life forever? It's time to see the unadulterated beauty of Jesus.

file icon Reigning in Lifehot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 3323

Life is an experience like no other. It is a journey in which its experiences vary from individual to individual. But one thing is for sure: Jesus came so you may reign in life.

file icon Behold Gracehot!Tooltip 10/05/2012 Hits: 2808

Every believer in Christ wants to change to be more Christ-like and grow spiritually. But the questions is, How do we get there from here? The answer is simpler than you think. It's all starts with beholding.

file icon Grace Speaks Part 1hot!Tooltip 08/01/2011 Hits: 2647

Paul says the righteousness of faith speaks! Learn to put a voice behind the written Word of His Grace and release power.

file icon It is Finishedhot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 2593

True Christianity is not about another set of rules or obligations in exchange for His Grace! It's about a work that has been finished for you by Christ.

file icon No Condemnation Part 1hot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 2553

Guilt reigns in the hearts of many believers in Christ, thinking its a godly device in order to live a life of repentance, not knowing this only brings condemnation. Rather, Jesus came to extinguish All condemnation!

file icon No Condemnation Part 2hot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 2437

At the cross, Jesus took everything that encompasses sin. It is the place where God the Father gave up His only begotten Son by sacrificing Him for you and Jesus gave up His only begotten Father by mediating for you.

file icon Righteousness Part 1hot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 2390

The majority of today's believers in Christ have been so engraved with the idea that godliness is what causes God to accept people into His favor. However, Jesus came to wreck this whole idea

file icon True Repentancehot!Tooltip 11/07/2013 Hits: 2375

The Bible says that true repentance comes not by being scared of God, rather repentance is experienced by knowing the goodness of God.

file icon Dead to Sinhot!Tooltip 10/01/2011 Hits: 2339

Would you continue to try to solve a problem that has already been solved? Of course not! The question itself is quite ridiculous. However, there is only one logical explanation to why someone would continue to try to solve a solved problem: Not knowing it has been solved in the first place.

file icon Jesus Washes Our Feethot!Tooltip 09/01/2011 Hits: 2280

In the eyes of man, the essence of humility is defined as man serving a superior being rather than for the superior being to serve man. How do you see Jesus?

file icon Righteousness Part 2hot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 2273

As a believer in Christ, you are no longer a sinner but the righteousness of God, in spite of your daily sins and failures. Jesus became sin for you, so you might become the righteousness of God in Him.

file icon Gospel of Gracehot!Tooltip 05/24/2011 Hits: 2142

The Gospel is the Grace of God and the Grace of God is the Gospel. It is the Awesome News of Jesus the Christ!

file icon Salvation at the Doorhot!Tooltip 01/11/2012 Hits: 2088

He did not come to condemn but to save you. Salvation knocks at the door of your heart which can only be opened from the inside. This is the most important decision of your entire life.

file icon Pendulum or Jesus Christhot!Tooltip 11/22/2013 Hits: 2070

Know that in Christ all things consist, especially for the body of Christ, putting a stop to the Pendulum. It's time to bring the unadulterated Jesus back to the Church!

file icon The Balance: Law & Grace Part 1Tooltip 04/27/2015 Hits: 1990

Develop the art of discerning between Law and Grace and get rooted in God's unmixed message today.

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Meet Joyner & Ruth

Meet Joyner & RuthJoyner Briceño is a teacher of the Gospel of Grace of Jesus Christ in the United States and the world. He has been commissioned by God to bring back Jesus to the Church through the same radical Grace message that Paul preached in his day.

As an adolescent, Joyner received Jesus into his heart. With the intentions of seeking relationship with God, he became extremely zealous but not according to knowledge, thus becoming a modern day Pharisee. He believed that the way of obtaining Grace came through his performance and obedience to God.


This Year's Message

This Month´s MessageLet Grace take root in your life as you increase in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and His perfect work at the cross.


Speaking Engagement

Speaking EngagementThrough our website, you will know the locations, dates and times of our events and conferences around the United States and the world.



Testimonies Let God edify you through these wonderful testimonies of people that have been impacted radically through the Gospel of Grace.


Grace Partners

Grace Partners Ruth and I have a heart desire to see the lives of others impacted and transformed radically just as it has impacted yours.