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file icon Pray the Grace Way: Part 3Tooltip 03/05/2020 Hits: 672

Pray with the same authority and faith as our Lord Jesus Christ.

file icon Pray the Grace Way: Part 1Tooltip 02/20/2020 Hits: 678

Everything you need to know about prayer starts here. It is where Jesus started.

file icon Salvation is Forever KeepsTooltip 09/09/2019 Hits: 692

Can a believer in Christ lose his or her salvation? Be established in Christ as you discover the truth that will set you free to run swiftly the race set before you.

file icon Pray the Grace Way: Part 2Tooltip 02/27/2020 Hits: 694

Find out the most important aspect about prayer and get on your way towards praying the grace way.

file icon The Service of Giving Part 2Tooltip 03/26/2019 Hits: 703

If you do want to give, find a Biblical answer to where and how much to give. Find clarity on subjects such as the tithe.

file icon The Service of Giving Part 1Tooltip 03/23/2019 Hits: 711

Find out the answer to why the New Testament encourages the service of giving financially.

Identify the original Gospel and its origins. Let it be a settled once and for all.

file icon The Lord My BannerTooltip 07/28/2018 Hits: 756

The Lord-My-Banner has gone before you to bring you overwhelming victory and glory in these dark days.

file icon Grace Speaks Part 2Tooltip 11/15/2018 Hits: 763

God's power and authority has been placed under your command. Learn to operate in this power and authority.

file icon The Blessing/ The Curse Part 2Tooltip 04/08/2018 Hits: 816

For those that preach any other Gospel than the Gospel of the Grace of Christ that Paul preached, there is more than a warning.

file icon Harpazo: The Blessed Hope Part 2Tooltip 01/14/2019 Hits: 824

This article is a call to bring back the forgotten teaching of the Rapture back to the Church.

file icon Fall from GraceTooltip 06/30/2018 Hits: 832

The New Testament  describes a falling from the spiritual high ground, which the Bible calls, “falling from grace." Learn to stand firm in the Grace of God.

Within the Gospel of Grace community, a very dangerous heresy called Inclusionism is making its way by those of the Grace Divergence. Be aware.

file icon God's CorrectionTooltip 09/24/2018 Hits: 851

Learn how God corrects under the New Covenant of Grace and the reason for it, child of God.

file icon The Blessing/ The Curse Part 1Tooltip 01/30/2018 Hits: 901

Are you under the Curse or under the Blessing?

Within those that have been enlightened to see and believe in the Gospel of Grace, there’s a false doctrine called Christus Victor by the Grace Divergence. Watch out!

file icon God's Idea: The Local ChurchTooltip 07/30/2018 Hits: 1045

The local church is God's idea designed to be the fortress for believers in Christ.

file icon Water BaptismTooltip 12/13/2018 Hits: 1099

Learn the importance and the meaning of the water baptism of the New Testament.

file icon Power of ResurrectionTooltip 10/04/2016 Hits: 1111

Fellowship in the revelation of His sufferings that you might be conformed to His death so you experience the power of His resurrection in your specific circumstance.

file icon Holy CommunionTooltip 04/09/2020 Hits: 1125

The Holy Communion, known also as the Lord’s Supper, is an act of worship, relationship with our Father, and a channel to health and wholeness.

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Meet Joyner & Ruth

Meet Joyner & RuthJoyner Briceño is a teacher of the Gospel of Grace of Jesus Christ in the United States and the world. He has been commissioned by God to bring back Jesus to the Church through the same radical Grace message that Paul preached in his day.

As an adolescent, Joyner received Jesus into his heart. With the intentions of seeking relationship with God, he became extremely zealous but not according to knowledge, thus becoming a modern day Pharisee. He believed that the way of obtaining Grace came through his performance and obedience to God.


This Year's Message

This Month´s MessageLet Grace take root in your life as you increase in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and His perfect work at the cross.


Speaking Engagement

Speaking EngagementThrough our website, you will know the locations, dates and times of our events and conferences around the United States and the world.



Testimonies Let God edify you through these wonderful testimonies of people that have been impacted radically through the Gospel of Grace.


Grace Partners

Grace Partners Ruth and I have a heart desire to see the lives of others impacted and transformed radically just as it has impacted yours.