This Year´s Message2025: Triumph

2025: Triumph

Every believer in Christ uses faith to defend themselves from the attacks of the enemy. And rightly so, we must learn how to use the shield of faith to quench the enemy’s attacks. But I find that the majority of believers in Christ live on defense mode. Most of it is due to the belief that our lives are supposed to be hard all the time. They believe that suffering is necessary and normal Christian living. To them, we’re to embrace suffering because God is most glorified and we become more glorious through suffering. This type of belief only opens the door to misery and get you killed at its worst.

Yes, God uses any negative circumstance for our good, whether it’s strengthening our character, sharpening our faith or growing in virtue; however, normal Christianity should not be a life of suffering and coping but reigning in life and living as an over comer. That’s not to say that there won’t be struggles and battles to fight here on earth. We can rejoice in our sufferings, not rejoice for sufferings nor embrace our sufferings. That’s foolish!

Jesus came to bring us a full life to the point that if nonbelievers see us so blessed, they would want whom we have - Jesus. But what glory does it bring Christ when a nonbeliever sees a war torn believer in Christ who is living a life of suffering filled with hardships and trials, testifying that God wills this? It doesn’t. In the Word, when it comes to good days, it is plural (1 Pet. 3:10), but when it describes an evil day, it is singular (Eph. 6:3). If you’re reading this, this year will be the start of many good days because your best days are still ahead of you.

Instead of living succumbed to suffering and praying for hardships so good may come, the Lord wants you to receive everything His Son died to give us by faith through a spiritual rest. This is good news especially for those that are currently going through a valley, trial, or suffering. Get ready because you will not remain there for long. The Lord Himself fights for you like never before.

Deuteronomy 3:22

You must not fear them, for the Lord your God Himself fights for you.

We see this laid out in the book of Deuteronomy. God has given us “more land to possess” but we must go in offense mode and take it like Joshua and Caleb. This requires us to change our perception from passive spiritual mediocrity to the overcoming chutzpah faith of the new covenant that hungers for the glory of God, that is determined to live a life of victory and purpose, and presses in to receive everything Christ has planned and destined for us through His finished work - all for the purpose of honoring Christ.

This means let’s begin to dream, raise our hopes up, and take steady steps towards the desires and plans the Lord has given us in our hearts. Make decisions, set goals, and make plans to make things happen. Take the initiative, risk as the Spirit leads from within, and execute with faith. He wants to increase you, prosper you, and fulfill you more than you want to, so don’t fear.

Deuteronomy 3:18

Then I commanded you at that time, saying: ‘The Lord your God has given you this land to possess...

What if I told you God has commanded a specific blessing with your name on it this year? What would you do? Where would you start? How will you proceed?

Allow me to point you in the right direction.

Many Christians would start with their performance. They will jump on the treadmill of live holier, pray harder, and fast longer. I’m not against living holier, praying nor fasting but the moment these are used to get blessed, receive favor, and stay in God’s good side, then like Moses, you will see your blessing pass you by from far. Instead, be like Joshua.

Deuteronomy 3:21

I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, ‘Your eyes have seen all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings; so will the Lord do to all the kingdoms through which you pass.

Firstly, Joshua believed God had prepared a land filled with milk and honey. In other words, Joshua believed in a finished work. Whatever the physical land was for Joshua under the Old Covenant, God’s grace is for the believer in Christ under the New Covenant. The foundation to enter into God’s rest is to believe in the finished work of Christ and rest from your works. It’s a spiritual rest where we place faith on what Christ has done. It’s a resting from your own works to get forgiven, cleansed, obedient and righteous.

Secondly, Joshua believed God would fight for him. Joshua saw “all the Lord has done” with not just his physical eye but with the eyes of his heart. He had steadfast confidence the Lord would never leave him nor forsake him. God gave Joshua a guarantee that every kingdom that he passed through, he would have triumph. This gave Joshua chutzpah and boldness. Likewise us, the Lord promised us we would reign in life if we received God’s abundant grace and gift of righteousness by faith in Christ. Unlike Joshua, God is permanently inside of us and have His presence within us, always. Our part is to believe and enlarge your hope fearlessly, God’s part is to lead through you and fight your battles with a guaranteed triumph as you focus on these truths.

Triumph is ahead of you. The enemy cannot stop it, your flesh cannot keep you from it, nor people delay it. You will have the same boldness and chutzpah faith of Joshua to step forward. Your greatest victory is just up ahead. Keep yours eyes on the finished work of Jesus through the Word.

By: Joyner Briceño

Mark 13:4-5

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Meet the unadulterated Jesus. It is to the surprise of many to know that Jesus came to serve you out of His extravagant love for you. Contrary to all other religions’ deities, Jesus laid aside all His God attribute and became a man, born of a virgin in order to give his life a ransom for you. Yes, we worship Jesus as the Son of God and we magnify His holy name. There is no doubt that He is our Lord and Savior, but His whole life, His heart today is in serving you. The perfect work of Jesus is all about 100% God turning into 100% man to serve you by loving you, protecting you, forgiving you, blessing you, healing you, providing for you, and revealing Himself to you. Until you realize that you can never offer anything to God but receive all His perfect love by allowing Him to serve you, you will always see Jesus as just another dead shrine of religion.

John 13:4-5

Jesus “rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.”

-Joyner, for the love of God, how can you say that Jesus is our servant? Don't you know that He is holy! It is we who must serve Him! I am His servant!

This reminds me of a similar answer Peter gave Jesus:

“You shall never wash my feet!” – Peter exclaimed.

“If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” – Jesus answered.”

“Lord, then wash not only my feet but also my hands and my head!” – Peter replied.

My amigo, it is imperative that you see Jesus as your servant because failure to see Him as your servant is failure to see Him at all. I say it with most reverence towards our Lord Jesus Christ, so please don't misunderstand me; I am not saying that our humanity is above Jesus. A thousand times No! However, seeing Jesus as the compassionate God that He is in wanting to serve you will lead you into true worship and turn you into a true worshiper. When you see Jesus as your servant, you are actually making Him the Savior that He is in your personal life. He is still into the saving business!

John 13:10

Jesus said to him, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you.”

Notice that only those who are bathed only need to wash their feet. Jesus is explaining that you, as a believer in Christ, are already completely clean in Him by the washing of the blood! In other words, you have been forgiven of all your past, present, and future sins through His blood, and has imparted to you His eternal righteousness through His resurrection. You are the righteousness of God in Christ! Hallelujah!

-But why the feet, then?

The feet symbolize our daily walk with Jesus. As a believer in Christ, you cannot lose fellowship with God but there are still things in this world that could keep your life in a defeated state. This is why you need the washing of the Word.

Ephesians 5:26

…that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.

But make sure you are rightly dividing the Word via the lens of the finished work of Christ. The Bible says the Word has two edges. By listening to messages filled with the Gospel of Grace you are actually washing your feet. Receiving messages that continually refresh your memory about being the righteousness of God in Christ by faith and not by works, and keep you focused on the perfect work of Jesus, will keep your life hopeful and confident of God's goodness in your life. You will have strength in the days to come to overcome every obstacle that comes your way. You will have an established heart and be a poised and confident person. It will keep you healthy and young. Last but not least, you will become a true worshiper of Jesus. True humility is allowing Jesus to wash your feet, rather than living your life trying to wash Jesus feet. Receive His unmerited favor today!

By Joyner Briceño


Meet Joyner & Ruth

Meet Joyner & RuthJoyner Briceño is a teacher of the Gospel of Grace of Jesus Christ in the United States and the world. He has been commissioned by God to bring back Jesus to the Church through the same radical Grace message that Paul preached in his day.

As an adolescent, Joyner received Jesus into his heart. With the intentions of seeking relationship with God, he became extremely zealous but not according to knowledge, thus becoming a modern day Pharisee. He believed that the way of obtaining Grace came through his performance and obedience to God.


This Year's Message

This Month´s MessageLet Grace take root in your life as you increase in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and His perfect work at the cross.


Speaking Engagement

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Grace Partners Ruth and I have a heart desire to see the lives of others impacted and transformed radically just as it has impacted yours.